Thursday, May 28, 2009

think you know what makes nerds hot?

Big announcement today, after a prolonged absence from the SadOrAwesome crew! (Let's just blame that on the swine flu outbreak or the John & Kate Plus 8 scandal, shall we? Good.) But first, allow me to set the stage:

As Maya has said, the three of us are a match made in Internet-heaven. We share a dark, biting sense of humor, zombie survivalist mentalities and a penchant for geekdom. Add to the recipe the oh-too-common 20-something's lack of funds and the fact that Maya and I aren't the most hideous people on the planet. Got it? Good, because I'm about to get to a point here.

These observations sloshed around in my head for a while, and it hit me like Greg had swung a severed light pole at my head (note: this has not happened, but I imagine it would have quite an impact.) Nerdgirls get a bad rap for wearing comfortable shoes and T-shirts with jokes about binary code. You can be nerdy and hot. Nerdy can be hot. We needed to do something about this.

And thus it was decided to create the Nerd Pinup Calendar, featuring two real-life nerdgirls: Maya and me. And here's where we need your help. There's only 12 nerd scenarios we can feature (uh, because it's a calendar, and there's 12 months in the year), and we want to highlight the best of the best of being nerds.

So, submit your ideas here. Love WoW? Tell us why we should show how hot it can be. Have an obsession with robots? Convince us that other people would enjoy it as much. Our goal is to create a calendar of two nerds for all of geekdom to savor, so your input is utterly crucial. (Please keep it SFW, we may be hot but we aren't that kind of cewebrity.)

Now please, stop reading and start geeking out. We're counting on you.


  1. Cute post - but not being a nerd, I've got nothing to contribute. Best wishes and I can't wait to see the finished product!

  2. Why am I always doing violence?

  3. Three thoughts:

    1. Pirates vs ninjas.
    2. Wikipedian (clearly, the new Librarian)
    3. Something cool and graphic novel-ly using some Photoshop skills.

    Also, you can always do some of 2011 do and go for 14 months if ideas are abundant :)

  4. How about "making a calendar"?

  5. so, off the top of my head, the twelve nerdiest/geekiest activities OR the 12 signs of the nerdiac (in no particular order)

    1. cosplay
    2. tabletop gaming
    3. coding/hacking
    4. ridiculous debates (mac v. linux, star wars v. star trek, etc. v. &c.)
    5. fanboyism/fangirlism
    6. internet addiction (twitter, wow, forums)
    7. building/modding things (art doesn't count, steampunk definitely does)
    8. fanfiction
    9. unlikely apocalypses (yes, including the rapture and zombies)
    10. otaku
    11. gadget addiction
    12. making a successful career out of being a nerd/geek (aka living the dream)

    shazam. looking at the list, i only managed 6 or 7 of them. still hoping for #12 though.


  7. True nerds have morals and modesty. They are kind, smart, talented, and sensitive! They would NEVER hurt anyone. Your calendar sounds like porn.

  8. We'll send you TWO copies, cause friend, you need it.

  9. Hello, anonymous! At first I thought your comment was a compliment but now I'm NOT SO SURE. I like you, and I'm glad you're here, but there are a few important fallacies in your logic.
    ONE. There are many kinds of nerds. That said, I've never personally seen a definition that hinged on morality. Are you thinking of the Amish?
    TWO. You skipped a step. Porn = hurting people? Honey, something went horribly wrong in your sex education.
    THREE. Our calendar is NOT, in fact, porn. Do a google image search (that's on the internet, darling) for pin-ups. You'll see classy, relatively modest, unharmed and unharming ladies. Or dudes! We don't discriminate here.
    Next time you want to start shit on someone else's blog, don't post anonymously. I'd rather have emailed you back than posted this smackdown on the internet. And seriously, if you want to talk about this, you know how to reach me. But we can't have you up in here making us look like abusive porn-stars... cuz, I'm sorry, that's just not the case.

  10. I was under the assumption that I was going to meet attractive porn stars here. Shit, I think I'm working on the wrong blog then. Am I still working here? I think I forgot.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. It's pretty hot when girls know how to play chess. If you were to make a whole calendar of you two playing chess, that would be pretty great. The game would start in January, and the December picture would show the board in a checkmate position and one person celebrating and the other with an "Aw shucks" sort of facial expression. Each month in between would show the players pondering intensely and the state of the board as the game has progressed.

    Thing is, I'd probably spend more time trying to figure out what moves were made in between pictures than admiring the pretty ladies. Maybe that's what you're going for. Heck if I know. I'd buy the shit out of that calender though. That much is for sure.

  13. How about chasing the Bad Robot (see Alias, Lost, Star Trek) through the fields somehow? More to come as my brain awakes.

  14. Oh, oh: you are two girls, there is one girl in each of the Left 4 Dead zombie shooters. Gogogo!

  15. This box won't let me copy/paste in it.

    So I'll paste it elsewhere

  16. Craft geekery, website constructing (blognerds, anybody??)... photos of people riding invisible bikes (that's suuuuper nerdy AND hilarious).

  17. a girl pooping in a bucket because she can't leave her raid group in Naxx

    (ps this happened)

  18. So how does making a pinup calendar advance the cause of women being taken seriously in technical fields?

  19. Chris,

    This project is not geared toward professional change-making, rather, it is to show that traditionally "nerdy" interests can be sexy. Look at it as a social statement instead of a professional one (though we argue they should overlap). In fact, this concept counters the stereotype that women (and men!) deemed "nerdy" are unattractive or asexual. As women who love technology among other "nerd" things, we are proud to be women and celebrate our love of nerdery and our female beauty. We don't see how one negates or challenges the other; we are nerds and women, there is no disconnect.

    My follow-up question for you and any reader is: How does a tastefully highlighting women's beauty and femininity make women any less professional?

  20. Speaking as one whose business partner is a woman, I can tell you that tastefully highlighting beauty or feminitity does not make a woman any less professional. However women who are involved in technical enterprises need to be conscious of the image that they're presenting to their male counterparts that dominate the field.

  21. my god, Anonymous! Geek porn is HOT!
    How about D & D?!?

  22. As an attractive woman who had been in the telecom field for many years, it has been my experience that even though I was tastefully dressed and as smart as (or smarter) than my male collegues, my looks and DD chest were more important than my technical expertise to them. Don't give me this crap about "need to be conscious of the image that they're presenting to their male counterparts" because you're damned if you do, damned if you don't. Buck up, soldier and loosen that bowtie of yours.

    Kudos to you, girls! If you want to feature a month with a tech writer, just let me know. ;-)

  23. This is going to sound weird, but hear me out. Since I can't figure out how to paste into the comments, I'm going to ask Kt to ask Joe Olsen for my email address and email me so I can send the ideas over email. I'm Ted, I'll be speaking at HDC this year, and hopefully this doesn't sound too creepy, but I'd *love* to see the finished product when it's done.

    Oh, and Michelle, on behalf of all the programmers and other geeks who never had the guts to say anything for fear of being blasted by HR.... There are a few of us who appreciate girl geeks who have BOTH technical expertise and tastefully (or sometimes not so tastefully, if I'm truly honest about it) dressed. ;-)


  24. 1: Dungeons and Dragons. Please make this happen.

    2: If you do a WoW theme, I'd like to see a little mage in there (Yeah, I'm a nerd too.) and at least one of you as a Forsaken.

    3: I'm a huge gamer guy and the last great game I played was Bioshock. I'd like to see two Little Sisters! A Big Daddy would be a huge bonus but I imagine that would be expensive.

    I really love this idea.

    Nice blog, by the way. Stumbled on it through Tumler.

    Goodnight and may your dice always come up a 20.
