Friday, March 13, 2009

don't call it a comeback

So the time has come for the three of us to move beyond Twitter's 140 characters and into a blog where the space is as endless as the excessive thoughts and stories we'll be sharing. Rad.

What should you expect from me? A lot. I'm an occasional blonde who swears like a sailor and has a penchant for whiskey, nerdboys and fashion. My love life more convoluted than the plot of Lost. I have a zombie survival plan. The vowels fell out of my first name back in the 90s. (And I'll explain it here once and only this time: it's pronounced "Katie", it's not like that on my birth certificate and it isn't initials. Whew.) I live in Omaha. I write for a living. I theorize that ranch dressing is the main cause of the obesity epidemic.

And I will try to love you all, but I'm not guaranteeing anything.



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