How to Turn Perfectly Neutral Events into Situations Which Are Embarrassing Because You're a Temp So No One Wants to be Your Friend at Work
(Sidenote: step one is obviously to have debilitating social anxieties.)
Get to the fancy cafeteria. Order your fancy food. Go to grab a napkin - the guy in front of you has just taken the last one. "Oh, do you need this?" he asks with an almost imperceptible sneer (but you're crazy, so you catch it). "Oh no," you laugh, "I'm not a messy eater." Too much information, you scream at yourself, now you look like you're trying to be his friend. Quickly break eye contact, worry you look too bitchy, resign yourself to sitting alone and reading a book AGAIN. Lift the fork with your first bite of delicious tortellini - oh, it's on your pants. And there's no napkins. Proceed to surreptitiously remove the pasta from your lap, put it back on the plate, and attempt to clean the sauce from your pants with your fingers. Fail. Finish your pasta, realize you ate the one that fell. Worry that everyone in the cafeteria noticed for some reason.
Notice your chapstick is missing. Must have fallen out of my pocket. Ugh. That shit costs like $4. Fuck it, I have another one at home. Not worth staying late to look for it. Get your stuff, go out to sit (alone) on the company shuttle. Before it can leave, someone climbs in with your chapstick in her hand. "Someone lost their Burt's Bees!" she exclaims, as if she's just saved a box full of kittens from a burning elementary school. Don't say anything because you've already resigned yourself to having lost it. Everyone on the bus proceeds to check their purses and pockets, announcing one by one that they all have theirs. You panic inwardly. It's been too long now to say something, and you don't feel like going through the ruse of checking your pockets. You also don't want to say anything, because you're hoping no one has noticed you exist, let alone that you're sitting on their bus like a criminal. One woman says "Oh! I think it's mine!" She goes up, opens it, crinkles her nose and says "Nevermind, mine was new. Look, this one's used." She throws it in the garbage, and you have a 25 minute bus ride to deride yourself for being so blue-collar as to actually use your $4 chapstick. Which is now in the garbage.
Smash your finger in a drawer. "Oh my god, are you okay?" asks your (probably faking it)concerned coworker. Pretend like it didn't hurt; kick yourself for grimacing when you should be producing a convincing smile. Gradually realize that the pain is getting worse, not better, and that you may have broken your finger. Shit, it's bent. Did it always look like that? Do I need to go to the ER? Glance at your coworker; she hasn't noticed the tears welling up in your eyes. Announce too loudly that you need to run to the restroom. Hide there, running cold water on your finger, until you can convince yourself it was always slightly bent and that if your future husband really loves you he won't mind. Worry that you've been in the restroom too long and that someone will assume you're up to something. Consider faking puke noises to further your bulimia charade; decide against it in case the CEO overhears. Sneak back to your desk; announce too loudly that you stopped by the kitchen for some water.
Friday, March 27, 2009
signs a girl likes a boy
So there's this boy I like, and because I also respect him (novel concept, right?), I'm handling the situation in a patient, mature manner. This, my friends, is not how I ever handle boys. So with this new adult approach to pursuing a potential relationship, I've noticed I've been displaying new signs that I am interested.
In the past, my methods of signifying I like a boy often include 1) blurting it out in the most socially awkward scenario, 2) making out with him out of the blue, 3) telling him he is going to like me, and the piece de resistance 4) oversharing and spilling my guts about every ex, bad life decision and any flaws I have. It's actually shocking I could even get a guy this way, I'll admit that.
But in this new situation, the signs are so different. And it's not like I have to try not to make all those fatal awkward mistakes of yore. It's just...different and easy. Wanna know how I know I like him and how it's becoming apparent to my near and dear?
In the past, my methods of signifying I like a boy often include 1) blurting it out in the most socially awkward scenario, 2) making out with him out of the blue, 3) telling him he is going to like me, and the piece de resistance 4) oversharing and spilling my guts about every ex, bad life decision and any flaws I have. It's actually shocking I could even get a guy this way, I'll admit that.
But in this new situation, the signs are so different. And it's not like I have to try not to make all those fatal awkward mistakes of yore. It's just...different and easy. Wanna know how I know I like him and how it's becoming apparent to my near and dear?
- I don't talk about him incessantly. In fact, most of my friends don't even know who it is I like. I'm keeping this romantic development close instead of announcing it to the gossip mills.
- I cleaned my apartment before he came over. Seriously. I dusted, did dishes and (gulp) vacuumed. (Note: I have vacuumed maybe a total of 6 times in the past two years. True story.)
- I'm not rushing it. I leap before I look, and many times, I don't even look at all. But in the hope of not screwing this up, I am finally taking it slow and not immediately assigning labels.
- I get butterflies. I know this is the corniest, gayest, girliest, most cliche sign, but it's honestly one I haven't experienced in quite, quite a while. And it feels good. So suck it.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Unspoken Twitter Rules (That I Just Made Up)
You know how, before facebook sucked, it had rules? Like the one that said you couldn't join unless you were a student, at a university, with an .edu email address? Yeah, that was awesome. Considering the increased media attention that twitter's been receiving, and the subsequent exponential increase in users, someone really needs to tell the slower people that THEY'RE DOING IT WRONG. These unspoken laws of twitter are (for NOW) just my passive-aggressive opinion, but I think twitter should officially adopt them and remove anyone who doesn't comply. Or at the very least: I just can't follow you if you commit any of the following twaux-pas.
You really shouldn't:
You really shouldn't:
- Use 5-year old internet acronyms (like lol, roflmao, brb, g2g) or 1-year old lolspeak (like I can haz, I'm in ur - -ing ur -, or anything else obnoxiously misspelled). The only exception is if you're doing it ironically. Otherwise you look like you haven't been on the internet in years, and you might as well be my grandmother. Acronyms that I won't judge you for include omg, wtf, ftw, ftl, and fml.
- Spell things wrong. The people I follow write complete sentences, and spell-check if they're not sure. This is not a chat room; it's not about speed. It is, however, about exchanging intelligent information, and I'm not interested if you can't communicate like a person.
- Ask "What does # mean?" "How do I send a reply?" "How do I find people to follow?" Do your research, dude. You shouldn't be allowed on twitter until you understand the basic concepts. There's like 4 things to know. Also, let me google that for you.
- Abuse caps lock and/or punctuation. Again, this isn't 6th grade, and we aren't in a chat room. Sometimes caps lock is funny; a lot of people use it for emphasis since bold/italics aren't supported everywhere. Bad punctuation is only funny if we already know you can use it correctly.
- Follow a million people, wait til they follow you back, and unfollow. I shouldn't even have to say this. You're an asshole for even considering it.
- Steal people's ideas without giving them credit. I know, it's extra work sometimes to reword tweets to make it fit with a RT, or maybe you feel weird mincing their words, but trust me, it's better than just pretending you came up with it. And I promise, there's always a way to make it fit.
- Ask people to RT. This is retarded. If it's interesting, we'll RT it.
- Use twitter as your personal messaging system. If your entire history of tweets is you replying to one friend about where to get dinner tonight, good luck to you. Direct messaging was invented for a reason. Also, EMAIL.
- Bribe people to follow you. I swear to god, if I see "If you follow me I'll follow you back!!!" in one more bio, I'm going to explode. Is that REALLY how you want to describe yourself? That's all you've got?
- Talk about your meals. I'd rather hear about almost anything than what you're eating right now - no matter HOW DELICIOUS that Subway sandwich is today. This just alerts everyone that you literally can't come up with anything else to tweet than the fact that it's 12:00 and you're eating, just like everyone else in your time zone. You know what? If you don't have anything interesting to tweet, don't tweet anything at all. This should be in the constitution.
- Use twitter as a truncated RSS feed for your blog. Look, if I like your blog, I'm subscribed to it in google reader, and I'll see when you have a new post. If I have to hear about it twice, I'm going to get rid of one source of those alerts - and it's probably going to be the one where I have to click a god damn link to see what you're talking about. I'm not saying you can't link to your (infrequent) blog posts, just don't let it be the only thing you use twitter for.
- Tell everyone when you're "logging off" for work or sleep or whatever. Um, this isn't instant messaging. It's expected that you won't be there all the time, and if you don't respond instantly no one's gonna be like "OMG are you mad at me?"
- Oh yeah, and don't say tweeps.
I don't have a million followers, and I'm not pretending I can teach that (You should be a celebrity or a fictional character. There, I did it.), but I CAN suggest a few ways to have a decent amount of not-retarded ones. Or at least, to have me.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
if you're not awesome, you're out
I am a woman of theories. I think I have the world somewhat figured out, and although I am completely aware this is a self-induced delusion, I feel compelled to spout my theories as gospel. But then there are the theories or systems or whatever stupid buzz word you like to call them that really ring true, like how I determine who to befriend.
I hate being bored. It's probably my most despised thing (except for ranch dressing, which is the most atrocious development in the history of humanity). With my hatred for boredom in mind, it's accurate to assume I don't like or befriend boring people. So that's any easy befriending issue. But what about all those people who don't fall in the completely and utterly boring category? Let me break it down for you.
Say we're meeting for the first time. You have about 15 seconds to reel me in and prove that I should at the least continue this interaction. If you bore me or push any of my numerous buttons during this time, you're going in either the "hate you" or the "mere acquaintance" group. It may sound like a snap judgment, but it's not. I'm just smart and observant and know what I like in the people I surround myself with.
And this method has paid off. While I have a vast group of acquaintances and casual friends, my true friends are the most interesting, talented and smart people I've ever met. (Feel free to blush if you fall in this group.) It's not like it's a static list, like where someone has to die or something to make room for a new friend. But just by investing this first 15 seconds, I figure I've saved myself thousands of hours of wasted time with people I don't even really like (note: thousands is by no means a scientific measurement, just the estimate by this self-important blogger).
So the moral of this tirade? Stop wasting your time with stupid people.
I hate being bored. It's probably my most despised thing (except for ranch dressing, which is the most atrocious development in the history of humanity). With my hatred for boredom in mind, it's accurate to assume I don't like or befriend boring people. So that's any easy befriending issue. But what about all those people who don't fall in the completely and utterly boring category? Let me break it down for you.
Say we're meeting for the first time. You have about 15 seconds to reel me in and prove that I should at the least continue this interaction. If you bore me or push any of my numerous buttons during this time, you're going in either the "hate you" or the "mere acquaintance" group. It may sound like a snap judgment, but it's not. I'm just smart and observant and know what I like in the people I surround myself with.
And this method has paid off. While I have a vast group of acquaintances and casual friends, my true friends are the most interesting, talented and smart people I've ever met. (Feel free to blush if you fall in this group.) It's not like it's a static list, like where someone has to die or something to make room for a new friend. But just by investing this first 15 seconds, I figure I've saved myself thousands of hours of wasted time with people I don't even really like (note: thousands is by no means a scientific measurement, just the estimate by this self-important blogger).
So the moral of this tirade? Stop wasting your time with stupid people.
Monday, March 23, 2009
back from (near) death and sxsw
Bet you all thought you'd never hear from me again, huh? I was in my beloved Austin for SXSW Interactive until last Wednesday, and then what felt like the plague attacked me until yesterday. I still have a fever, but you deserve my feverish ramblings. So here's a recap of my past ten days:
- SXSW: I work at an insanely awesome tech place, so I went on the company dime with my super rad coworkers. Learned a lot, did some demos for Microsoft, drank and made friends with the crew from (more on that last item soon with photos, I promise).
- Down with the sickness: After shoving a giantQ-Tip into my sinus, chest x-rays and blood and urine tests, I officially have a "mega-virus" (direct quote from my doc). The treatment? Rest and fluids. Well worth the insurance co-pay.
- Boys: I totally have a major crush on a guy that I cannot find a major flaw with (and trust me, I hunt flaws like Greg hunts alcoholic hobos). That being a first on its own, I'm also handling the situation with maturity, patience and respect -- another first. But of course, it can't be more than a crush now. You win some, I lose...all of them. Meh.
- Random awesomeness: Point Break, the cover of Vanity Fair, a new (read: not shitty) Twitter pic and going motorcycle riding on Sunday afternoons. Oh, and my KU Jayhawks going to the Sweet 16.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Are You a Smart Ass?
Do you have something to say? A topic you want to discuss? Just want to tell us to go fuck ourselves? (Or propose marriage?) Well, let's hear it. Just click on the button below and enter your phone number. Then, when it rings, answer. (Note: you're going straight to voice mail, so you don't have to worry about ACTUAL human interaction).
Dealmakers & Dealbreakers
Maris over at one of my favorite blogs recently listed her dating dealbreakers and asked for responses, but strangely didn't mention any dealMAKERS, which I think are far more interesting. Maybe dealmakers are all the same, and she did mention some stereotypically ideal qualities in guys, but to me the qualities that make or break the connection with a prospective boyfriend are the little tiny weird things that no one else notices.
Like......... Here's the things I love about the boys I've loved.
Like......... Here's the things I love about the boys I've loved.
- They're geniuses. They tend to be on the crazy side, but I think that's just what goes along with extreme intelligence. So I'm not asking for crazy, per se, but I tend to find myself attracted to it.
- They look cute in anything. As a rule, I don't date good dressers. I can't stand fashion, I feel hottest in jeans and a hoodie (that's the California girl in me, I guess). So it follows that I'm uncomfortable around guys in dress shoes, or in jeans that cost more than my iPhone. I'd rather be with a guy who can pull off a K-Fed outfit (ahem) than with someone who insists on dressing up to go to the movies.
- They're kissable. Dude, if you kiss me the first time and I don't enjoy it, it won't be happening again. Not only are the guys I date fantastic kissers, but looking at them makes me want to kiss them more. That's important, I think. If I can watch someone talk without interrupting them for makeouts, I'm probably not sufficiently into them.
- They have MY sense of humor. Yeah, everyone wants someone funny, but I want someone who enjoys contemplating alternative realities. Someone who laughs more at silly puns and your-mom jokes than at the latest Will Ferrell movie quotes. Also, I really like guys who think I'm more attractive making a dumb face than I am smiling demurely (and vice versa).
That said... here's what I can't stand, and this was much harder for me to come up with for some reason.
- Conservative beliefs. I'm sorry, I gave it a fair chance, and I just will not be dating any more republicans or religious folk. I'm not some crazy liberal jew, but I kind of am a crazy liberal jew.
- A lack of interest in non-traditional conversation topics. That was a lot of negatives, but what I mean is I can't get along with anyone who just wants to talk about sports, or the new Coldplay album (get over it, Chris Martin sure did), or what they did that day. Those are all fine (uh, except sports), but if you're done talking when we've blown through those topics, I'm over it. I like having conversations about time travel, serial killers, strange diseases, baby names, fucked up books, bad movies, historical trivia, zombies, and whatever ridiculous/stupid questions strike my fancy. Aright?
- The insistence that the past is the past. I hate people who won't talk about previous relationships, or their childhood. I understand it's over - I don't need you to keep reminding me what year it is - but all that stuff made you who you are now. Plus I want to know all the ways I'm better than your last girlfriend. The other side of this issue is I can't hang out with people who have no interest in where I came from. You don't want to see how cute I was when I was little? Are you kidding me???
- Animal haters. You don't like my dog jumping on you and smothering you in dog hair? Get out.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Disjointed thoughts
Maya says I have a funny accent. I say she breathes too much city air and is full of herself.
Apparently I drove all the way to the comic book store with a seized brake caliper. My tire was smoking when I got back to work. That's bad. Guess I know as much about cars as I do about women (hint: enough to break them AND NOTHING ELSE).
There's a dead bird outside on the sidewalk with its heart ripped out. If it hadn't smelled so bad, it would have been cool. I took a picture, but you don't want to see. To anyone in the vicinity: stay vigilant. I believe there may be a squirrel close to attaining immortality.
Speaking of squirrels, there was another one in my office this morning. Little fuckers aren't even scared anymore. Contemplating leaving some crackers out on my coworkers desk....
And now, some announcements.
To the creepy guy at the comic shop: please don't hit on me anymore. :(
To the asshole woman at Taco Bell: when I say "put nacho cheese on it", that's exactly what I mean, no explanation needed. Next time you ask, "What do you mean, put nacho cheese on it?" I'll get your food stamps taken away.
To the person who writes in chicken scratch: I cannot read your writing, therefore two things will not occur. One, I can't do what you ask. And two, I can't call you to ask you to decipher. If it's important, get with the times and send an email (or at least a phone call).
To the person who works in my building who is having chemo today on their birthday: that sucks, dude!
Did this deserve a new post? Probably not, but I don't want to do any work right now.
Go fuck yourselves,
Apparently I drove all the way to the comic book store with a seized brake caliper. My tire was smoking when I got back to work. That's bad. Guess I know as much about cars as I do about women (hint: enough to break them AND NOTHING ELSE).
There's a dead bird outside on the sidewalk with its heart ripped out. If it hadn't smelled so bad, it would have been cool. I took a picture, but you don't want to see. To anyone in the vicinity: stay vigilant. I believe there may be a squirrel close to attaining immortality.
Speaking of squirrels, there was another one in my office this morning. Little fuckers aren't even scared anymore. Contemplating leaving some crackers out on my coworkers desk....
And now, some announcements.
To the creepy guy at the comic shop: please don't hit on me anymore. :(
To the asshole woman at Taco Bell: when I say "put nacho cheese on it", that's exactly what I mean, no explanation needed. Next time you ask, "What do you mean, put nacho cheese on it?" I'll get your food stamps taken away.
To the person who writes in chicken scratch: I cannot read your writing, therefore two things will not occur. One, I can't do what you ask. And two, I can't call you to ask you to decipher. If it's important, get with the times and send an email (or at least a phone call).
To the person who works in my building who is having chemo today on their birthday: that sucks, dude!
Did this deserve a new post? Probably not, but I don't want to do any work right now.
Go fuck yourselves,
On Learning
So, I'm pretty smart. But every time I start a new job - or get a new responsibility therein - everyone thinks I'm an idiot. And it's not just because of my crippling social phobias, which prevent me from ever pasting an appropriate expression onto my face. It's also because of the way I learn, which THEY don't understand because they didn't spend four boring years in college reviewing the same high school Psychology material over and over again. Incessantly. (Are you impressed with my degree yet?)
Everyone has different learning styles. In the simplest theoretical terms, I'm a visual learner, because I learn best by writing things down, which inherently means I have trouble processing things just by being lectured. This might also partially explain why I literally black out as soon as someone starts trying to explain football to me (although I suspect there's something deeper there as well... like a brain tumor maybe). More accurately, I'm what's called an accomodator, which is someone who learns best by engaging - either by mapping things out, writing things down, or asking questions.
In other words - I ask a shitload of questions. I cannot accept "You push this button instead of this one." Irrelevant though it may be, I will not only ask what the other one's for, I will insist on knowing. I literally cannot move on to the next topic until I know everything there is to know about that gratuitous button. I cannot fathom the role of the useful button unless I fully understand the useless ones around it. Once explained, it's like - duh, I'm a genius. But you can't really sit your boss or trainer down in the real world and say "Look, I need you to explain every detail to me, because I'm smarter than you, and I won't be able to function in this unfulfilling position unless I know everything about how this entire company works."
This happened to me in retail - I was a manager, but was unable to delegate even the simplest tasks until months into the position, when I could map out in my head exactly who my employees were, where they were standing, what tools they had, and what their mothers were doing last night (hint: they were with me). Instead of looking like a detail-oriented (read: OBSESSIVE-COMPULSIVE), responsible person, I apparently gave off more of an "I don't speak english" vibe. And now it's happening to me again. I'm a receptionist. I have a double BA, for gosh sakes. AND YET, every time I forget an extension - usually because I'm trying to memorize them instead of looking them up - or mispronounce a foreign name - because I'm trying too hard to replicate the exact pronunciation - or try to help someone I should hang up on - because I have trouble following rules - I get screamed at by people who can't even spell.
And I don't care what your learning style is, there is NO excuse for poor spelling.
Everyone has different learning styles. In the simplest theoretical terms, I'm a visual learner, because I learn best by writing things down, which inherently means I have trouble processing things just by being lectured. This might also partially explain why I literally black out as soon as someone starts trying to explain football to me (although I suspect there's something deeper there as well... like a brain tumor maybe). More accurately, I'm what's called an accomodator, which is someone who learns best by engaging - either by mapping things out, writing things down, or asking questions.
In other words - I ask a shitload of questions. I cannot accept "You push this button instead of this one." Irrelevant though it may be, I will not only ask what the other one's for, I will insist on knowing. I literally cannot move on to the next topic until I know everything there is to know about that gratuitous button. I cannot fathom the role of the useful button unless I fully understand the useless ones around it. Once explained, it's like - duh, I'm a genius. But you can't really sit your boss or trainer down in the real world and say "Look, I need you to explain every detail to me, because I'm smarter than you, and I won't be able to function in this unfulfilling position unless I know everything about how this entire company works."
This happened to me in retail - I was a manager, but was unable to delegate even the simplest tasks until months into the position, when I could map out in my head exactly who my employees were, where they were standing, what tools they had, and what their mothers were doing last night (hint: they were with me). Instead of looking like a detail-oriented (read: OBSESSIVE-COMPULSIVE), responsible person, I apparently gave off more of an "I don't speak english" vibe. And now it's happening to me again. I'm a receptionist. I have a double BA, for gosh sakes. AND YET, every time I forget an extension - usually because I'm trying to memorize them instead of looking them up - or mispronounce a foreign name - because I'm trying too hard to replicate the exact pronunciation - or try to help someone I should hang up on - because I have trouble following rules - I get screamed at by people who can't even spell.
And I don't care what your learning style is, there is NO excuse for poor spelling.
Monday, March 16, 2009
The Blog... black, mainly to reflect my feelings on Blogger (it should die a slow and painful death), so channel your inner minimalist while we deal with this shit filled cesspool. Honestly, working with blogger is like sadness taking a shit on depression. If I had to choose between working with blogger and sodomizing men in the bathroom at Denny's, well, I'd probably still mess with blogger but it would be a tough choice.
Hugs and kisses (from Hell),
Hugs and kisses (from Hell),
Nip/Tuck's Life Lessons
Believe me, it was tough to narrow it down to 10.
1. Plastic surgery can fix anything. Missing an arm? Here you go, and this one shoots lasers. Face burned off? No problem! Penis enlargement? So easy, we'll let this teenager do it. Rosie O'Donnell? Well... they can make her noticeably less obese.
2. Every plastic surgeon will either develop an addiction to nitrous oxide or murder people with it. So uh, don't get plastic surgery.
3. Even though your child is born with a horrendous physical disability (say, crab hands), you can just leave him with the babysitter indefinitely after you're done banging midgets to get through your own emotional turmoil.
4. That HIV-positive lady you hooked up with, unprotected? Don't worry about that, you're going to have bigger problems once you invariably shove her off a roof.
5. Oh, except your crimes don't have any repercussions; you can just self-medicate until everyone else forgets about whoever you murdered/kidnapped/robbed. Be careful though; the same goes for your enemies.
6. On the other hand, anything you do to hurt someone feelings will be brought up EVERY TIME you see them, ever. For the rest of your life. So you should just lie instead.
7. Porn is a very lucrative and classy industry.
8. You never know who might be secretly a man/woman. What you can count on is that everyone is gay.
9. Just accept the fact that you're related to everyone and forget you ever knew the definition of incest. It's okay to keep banging your mom or sister as long as you didn't know who she was the first time. Also, it's not weird that you're the grandfather of your girlfriend's daughter, or that your husband is leaving you for the underage daughter of your ex-mother-in-law's girlfriend. Happens all the time.
10. You never have to feel guilty about being a dick to everyone, as long as you're very handsome. If you're ugly though, you should (and probably will) kill yourself.
What do you think - any other invaluable life lessons I'm missing?
1. Plastic surgery can fix anything. Missing an arm? Here you go, and this one shoots lasers. Face burned off? No problem! Penis enlargement? So easy, we'll let this teenager do it. Rosie O'Donnell? Well... they can make her noticeably less obese.
2. Every plastic surgeon will either develop an addiction to nitrous oxide or murder people with it. So uh, don't get plastic surgery.
3. Even though your child is born with a horrendous physical disability (say, crab hands), you can just leave him with the babysitter indefinitely after you're done banging midgets to get through your own emotional turmoil.
4. That HIV-positive lady you hooked up with, unprotected? Don't worry about that, you're going to have bigger problems once you invariably shove her off a roof.
5. Oh, except your crimes don't have any repercussions; you can just self-medicate until everyone else forgets about whoever you murdered/kidnapped/robbed. Be careful though; the same goes for your enemies.
6. On the other hand, anything you do to hurt someone feelings will be brought up EVERY TIME you see them, ever. For the rest of your life. So you should just lie instead.
7. Porn is a very lucrative and classy industry.
8. You never know who might be secretly a man/woman. What you can count on is that everyone is gay.
9. Just accept the fact that you're related to everyone and forget you ever knew the definition of incest. It's okay to keep banging your mom or sister as long as you didn't know who she was the first time. Also, it's not weird that you're the grandfather of your girlfriend's daughter, or that your husband is leaving you for the underage daughter of your ex-mother-in-law's girlfriend. Happens all the time.
10. You never have to feel guilty about being a dick to everyone, as long as you're very handsome. If you're ugly though, you should (and probably will) kill yourself.
What do you think - any other invaluable life lessons I'm missing?
Saturday, March 14, 2009
This blog entry is fucking short!
Looks like I'm last. Hi, I'm the jerk, also known as "the male", sometimes just called "the dick". If you stick around long enough, you'll find that I'm unreliable, unappealing, lack any shred of creativity, and most importantly... available. Yes, that's right--I'm single (ladies, take note).
I have flashes of creativity that always seem to hit at the most inopportune times. Like while in the bathroom... Tried taking a notebook with me for a while, worried it looked like I was logging various data about my restroom habits. Unfortunately for everyone, I tend to be least creative when sitting at the computer.
When I get right down to it, I'm really just a normal guy. My hobbies include tempting recovering alcoholics, hiding contraband in Arab looking people's luggage, swearing for effect, and running with the devil. I listen to bands with shitty names. Have been known to occasionally bust out something wicked on the harmonica.
I'm currently hanging out in the south, which, if nothing else, is great material for my future in stand up. Yes, I wear shoes. Yes, I can read.
I'm a music nerd, a zombie buff, and I probably know more about LOST than you ever will. Odds are good I will blog about most of these things (especially giving alcohol to hobos). I quote Deadwood on an almost daily basis and one day I'd like to write for a living (but I'm not holding my breath). I love to answer questions, so if there's anything you are wondering about, I'm the (only) man to ask. Luckily for you, I know everything and answer free fucking gratis.
First order of business: deal with all this pink.
I have flashes of creativity that always seem to hit at the most inopportune times. Like while in the bathroom... Tried taking a notebook with me for a while, worried it looked like I was logging various data about my restroom habits. Unfortunately for everyone, I tend to be least creative when sitting at the computer.
When I get right down to it, I'm really just a normal guy. My hobbies include tempting recovering alcoholics, hiding contraband in Arab looking people's luggage, swearing for effect, and running with the devil. I listen to bands with shitty names. Have been known to occasionally bust out something wicked on the harmonica.
I'm currently hanging out in the south, which, if nothing else, is great material for my future in stand up. Yes, I wear shoes. Yes, I can read.
I'm a music nerd, a zombie buff, and I probably know more about LOST than you ever will. Odds are good I will blog about most of these things (especially giving alcohol to hobos). I quote Deadwood on an almost daily basis and one day I'd like to write for a living (but I'm not holding my breath). I love to answer questions, so if there's anything you are wondering about, I'm the (only) man to ask. Luckily for you, I know everything and answer free fucking gratis.
First order of business: deal with all this pink.
Sad or Awesome?
This is a question I deal with on a daily basis. So much of my life is spent on that precarious line between sad and awesome. Like...
I watch so many geekster-hip tv shows, but the show I get the most excited for is Rock of Love Bus. And I think Bret is hot (what can I say, my type is dirty old men). And I am really rooting for Ashley, even though she's like a whore doing a bad impression of Juliette Lewis. The show is like ANTM without the pretense of a modeling career.
Speaking of ANTM, is it sad or awesome that I've not only narrowly missed TWO different auditions, in two different states, but that I'm sad when I realize it? There was one today in NYC but I was more interested in not showering than I was in, you know, advancing my media-slut career.
What about the fact that I'm failing at being a media-slut? I can't decide if that's better or worse than if I succeeded. You know they're not really happy, anyway. Plus - I wouldn't know how to handle the stalkers (and you can be DAMN SURE there'd be stalkers).
Finally: Greg and I drinking and playing on the internet in our respective states while KT enjoys SXSW? I hate traveling, and I love drinking, so I'm gonna have to go with awesome there. Hermits ftw!
I watch so many geekster-hip tv shows, but the show I get the most excited for is Rock of Love Bus. And I think Bret is hot (what can I say, my type is dirty old men). And I am really rooting for Ashley, even though she's like a whore doing a bad impression of Juliette Lewis. The show is like ANTM without the pretense of a modeling career.
Speaking of ANTM, is it sad or awesome that I've not only narrowly missed TWO different auditions, in two different states, but that I'm sad when I realize it? There was one today in NYC but I was more interested in not showering than I was in, you know, advancing my media-slut career.
What about the fact that I'm failing at being a media-slut? I can't decide if that's better or worse than if I succeeded. You know they're not really happy, anyway. Plus - I wouldn't know how to handle the stalkers (and you can be DAMN SURE there'd be stalkers).
Finally: Greg and I drinking and playing on the internet in our respective states while KT enjoys SXSW? I hate traveling, and I love drinking, so I'm gonna have to go with awesome there. Hermits ftw!
Friday, March 13, 2009
Having a Job is Better... Srsly
So... I can't tell you where I work, because I don't want to get fired. But it's (probably) a temporary position, so I get the thrilling combination of working 12 hour days AND worrying about how I'm going to pay my bills next month. Sometimes I remember how nice it is to sleep in, and to drink every night of the week, and to watch tv all day in my pajamas. Then, hours of misty eyed daydreaming later, someone reminds me that OH WAIT, those are symptoms of depression.
I spent 6 months in the south, the result of a misguided attempt to prove that I was fully devoted to my boyfriend at the time who of course I would NEVER EVER leave and couldn't live without. His office pitied me enough to give me a job answering phones. Unfortunately the position didn't require me to wake up before noon, leave my house, or stop watching marathons of Jon & Kate + 8. After this thrilling stint, I moved to New York, thinking it would be a great adventure which would result in a modelling career or the title of some company's CEO, or at the very least a husband. It resulted in 6 (and still going!) horrible months of sleeping in, drinking myself numb, watching tv in my pajamas, and the occasional fruitless job search.
I knew I wouldn't enjoy this extended "vacation" when I quit my last job a year ago. Even though I was working 14 hour days, fighting with disgruntled employees, and on several occasions using toxic-waste protective gloves to scrub the blood of hobos out of the carpet... I kind of loved it. I like being busy, and I like being challenged, and this definitely was the kind of job where I didn't have enough time to finish anything and I didn't know what to do in any given situation. It was very painful and dramatic, and therefore it was invaluable to my life. I've never been unemployed, and I thought it might be a nice break from you know, the bleeding homeless people, but it just obliterated what little pride and confidence I had left. Don't worry, it's coming back now that I have this fantastic job ANSWERING PHONES ALL DAY. I'm so glad I went to college for that double major. Totally worth it.
Anyway, you guys sitting at work, dreaming of a full night's sleep and watching every episode of It's Always Sunny... trust me, it gets old. I won't tell you what all the old people are lecturing in my direction, about how In This Economy You're Lucky You Can Afford That Fancy Macintosh Computer, but honestly - even if your job sucks, it could be worse. You could be unable to pay your bills, OR you could be dealing with bleeding homeless people. If you are in either of these situations... I sincerely apologize, and hope you are using the proper biohazard materials. You can come answer phones with me if you want.
I spent 6 months in the south, the result of a misguided attempt to prove that I was fully devoted to my boyfriend at the time who of course I would NEVER EVER leave and couldn't live without. His office pitied me enough to give me a job answering phones. Unfortunately the position didn't require me to wake up before noon, leave my house, or stop watching marathons of Jon & Kate + 8. After this thrilling stint, I moved to New York, thinking it would be a great adventure which would result in a modelling career or the title of some company's CEO, or at the very least a husband. It resulted in 6 (and still going!) horrible months of sleeping in, drinking myself numb, watching tv in my pajamas, and the occasional fruitless job search.
I knew I wouldn't enjoy this extended "vacation" when I quit my last job a year ago. Even though I was working 14 hour days, fighting with disgruntled employees, and on several occasions using toxic-waste protective gloves to scrub the blood of hobos out of the carpet... I kind of loved it. I like being busy, and I like being challenged, and this definitely was the kind of job where I didn't have enough time to finish anything and I didn't know what to do in any given situation. It was very painful and dramatic, and therefore it was invaluable to my life. I've never been unemployed, and I thought it might be a nice break from you know, the bleeding homeless people, but it just obliterated what little pride and confidence I had left. Don't worry, it's coming back now that I have this fantastic job ANSWERING PHONES ALL DAY. I'm so glad I went to college for that double major. Totally worth it.
Anyway, you guys sitting at work, dreaming of a full night's sleep and watching every episode of It's Always Sunny... trust me, it gets old. I won't tell you what all the old people are lecturing in my direction, about how In This Economy You're Lucky You Can Afford That Fancy Macintosh Computer, but honestly - even if your job sucks, it could be worse. You could be unable to pay your bills, OR you could be dealing with bleeding homeless people. If you are in either of these situations... I sincerely apologize, and hope you are using the proper biohazard materials. You can come answer phones with me if you want.
don't call it a comeback
So the time has come for the three of us to move beyond Twitter's 140 characters and into a blog where the space is as endless as the excessive thoughts and stories we'll be sharing. Rad.
What should you expect from me? A lot. I'm an occasional blonde who swears like a sailor and has a penchant for whiskey, nerdboys and fashion. My love life more convoluted than the plot of Lost. I have a zombie survival plan. The vowels fell out of my first name back in the 90s. (And I'll explain it here once and only this time: it's pronounced "Katie", it's not like that on my birth certificate and it isn't initials. Whew.) I live in Omaha. I write for a living. I theorize that ranch dressing is the main cause of the obesity epidemic.
And I will try to love you all, but I'm not guaranteeing anything.
What should you expect from me? A lot. I'm an occasional blonde who swears like a sailor and has a penchant for whiskey, nerdboys and fashion. My love life more convoluted than the plot of Lost. I have a zombie survival plan. The vowels fell out of my first name back in the 90s. (And I'll explain it here once and only this time: it's pronounced "Katie", it's not like that on my birth certificate and it isn't initials. Whew.) I live in Omaha. I write for a living. I theorize that ranch dressing is the main cause of the obesity epidemic.
And I will try to love you all, but I'm not guaranteeing anything.
OMG, a blog!
I've known for a while now that my co-bloggers are my internet soulmates. It was only a matter of time before we collaborated on something other than sabotaging zombie disbelievers during Zombietalk Thursdays.
I can't speak for them, but I'll be writing about whatever I'm thinking, as my brain didn't really come with a filter. Usually that'll be something awkward that's just happened to me, life in NYC, something stupidly funny, music I'm obsessed with for 24 hours, zombies, or my overly dramatic love life.
I think swearing is funny. I find ugly things much more interesting than cute ones. I really like words, and am not ashamed of how much I laugh at puns. My degree is useless. I simultaneously suffer from delusions of grandeur and debilitating social phobias. I fixate on pretty much everything that's every happened to me. I'm kind of bossy, but I'm working on that. Promise.
I can't speak for them, but I'll be writing about whatever I'm thinking, as my brain didn't really come with a filter. Usually that'll be something awkward that's just happened to me, life in NYC, something stupidly funny, music I'm obsessed with for 24 hours, zombies, or my overly dramatic love life.
I think swearing is funny. I find ugly things much more interesting than cute ones. I really like words, and am not ashamed of how much I laugh at puns. My degree is useless. I simultaneously suffer from delusions of grandeur and debilitating social phobias. I fixate on pretty much everything that's every happened to me. I'm kind of bossy, but I'm working on that. Promise.
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